Thursday, September 25, 2014

Gilbert house painter, Chandler house painter,602-741-9518,Ralph Lauren ...

Gilbert house painter does Ralph Lauren suede
Chandler house painter does Ralph Lauren suede

Gilbert house painter, Chandler house painter.602-741-9518,,, We do Shi...

Godaddy password to follow their guide lines for security.  It's New9@$$word

Phoenix Paint Pro is a commercial and residential paint contractor serving businesses and home owners throughout the Valley. We are licensed, affordable and reliable. We offer free estimates for all projects and provide the highest quality work for the interior and exterior of your home or commercial building. We also provide the finest in decorative paint and faux finishes.

From the largest of commercial projects to a single wall, Phoenix Paint Pros can do it all! 602741-9518

-5 different types of painting that we do

1) Interior painting

2) Exterior painting

3) faux painting

4) Cabinet refinishing

5) American clay

Some people call us Scottsdale painters or Scottsdale paint contractors and even Scottsdale faux painters

Some people call us Tempe painters or Tempe paint contractors and even Tempe faux painters

Some people call us Chandler painters or Chandler paint contractors and even Chandler faux painters

Some people call us Gilbert painters or Gilbert paint contractors and even Gilbert faux painters

Some people call us Phoenix painters or Phoenix paint contractors and even Phoenix faux painters






#Scottsdalepainter #Phoenixpainter #chandlerpainter #gilbertpainter #tempepainter

Chandler house painter, Gilbert house painter.602-741-9518,,,We do Shimm...

Gilbert house painter does Ralph Lauren suede

Chandler house painter does Ralph Lauren suede

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Maria Kalamas Life Coach & Wellness practitioner

Life Coach & Wellness practitioner
"By your side, on your journey to Health and Happiness"-MK
A transformative experience begins with deep listening. Maria brings this open listening presence, skillful techniques and her intuitive touch, to create a unique healing session designed just for you. Maria possesses a deep knowing, a boundless heart and a playful sense of humor. She believes strongly in the power of positive thought, a great balanced meal, movement, meditation and tons of hugs and love, as the best medicine.
In her free time, she enjoys her family, creating & travel.

License & Certifications
Associates of Occupational Studies Degree in Holistic Health Care
Certified Life Coach
Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant
Certified Energy Healing Therapist
Licensed Master Massage Therapist Life Coach & Wellness practitioner
"By your side, on your journey to Health and Happiness"-MK

A transformative experience begins with deep listening. Maria brings this open listening presence, skillful techniques and her intuitive touch, to create a unique healing session designed just for you. Maria possesses a deep knowing, a boundless heart and a playful sense of humor. She believes strongly in the power of positive thought, a great balanced meal, movement, meditation and tons of hugs and love, as the best medicine.
In her free time, she enjoys her family, creating & travel.